‘ICCIMA planning to promote Iran’s economic diplomacy’

TEHRAN- The head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) said the chamber is planning to promote the country’s economic diplomacy.
Making the remarks in a press conference on Monday, Hossein Selahvarzi said the ICCIMA is planning to set up a secretariate in line with the government’s policies for the development of economic diplomacy.
“We have good potential in the joint chambers, and according to our plan, we want to boost Iran’s trade with the neighboring and regional countries through these chambers”, he further stated.
“We have some programs for the joint chambers, and we will definitely use the effective role of these chambers for the expansion of ties with other countries”, the official added.
“We have recently taken many effective measures to establish and develop trade ties with the neighboring and also African countries and we are planning to set up trade centers in five countries”, Selahvarzi announced.
Elsewhere in his remarks, the ICCIMA head underlined that the chamber has seven serious programs to help the government and the country, saying that the first one is the executive program for the development of valuable sectors of the country in order to boost national production.
“Surveys show that 23 fields of economic activity or value chains in the industry, agriculture, and services sectors have the largest contribution to the economic growth of the country, that the private sector has a strong presence in most of these fields, and Iran Chamber is ready to use the experience of East Asian countries, and in close interaction with the government, to develop a comprehensive executive plan to develop these value chains and help the growth of national production. This program can definitely have significant short-term and long-term achievements for the country”, the official explained.
The head of the Iran Chamber further stressed that the chamber can use the capacities of the provincial chambers, as well as the unions and enterprises to help the government in three major fields:
1- Reviving the idle production, industrial, mining, and agricultural units
2- Completing the semi-finished development projects
3- Contribution to the most effective implementation of the privatization program
The official further pointed to the chamber’s program for the improvement of the business environment in Iran.
He considered the duty of the Iran Chamber to accompany the government in the path of promoting the country's economy and stated: “We have prepared a program in the chamber to improve the business environment in the country, which will lay the ground for boosting investment making in the country, and in this way, we will help the government.”
ICCIMA is focusing on boosting investment making in the country and achieving sustainable economic growth in this round of its activity, he further emphasized.
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